Fool University Mission Statement


The mission of Fool University is to inform those who have been fooled by the evil new world order. Your mind may have been programmed. Beware. DARPA. Operation Mocking Bird. Crossfire Hurricane. Mind Control. Propaganda. These are real deep state programs funded by taxpayer money. They have fooled us into believing that they will take care of us if we give up our sovereign rights.  They will take care of us alright. They plan to turn us into slaves.

How can we stop this? President Donald John Trump and the American people have the answers. The 1st step is to remove the trillion dollar war machine that America needs to sustain the economy and replace it with American energy production. Make energy not war. The next steps would require a monetary change that is not based on a fiat currency. Remove usury and build strong Americans who are self reliant.

I was completely fooled myself. For fourscore plus a few years until I realized tyranny was a thing and I was completely brainwashed by the deep state. What a libtard I used to be. 1776 is way more progressive than accepting a tyrants rule whose authority is not to be questioned.
Being a libtard is not very punk rock either.

Robert Sands - Dean of Fool University


The defcon system of America was downgraded from defcon 3 to defcon 5 as a direct result of the outcome of the American 2016 election. The new president elect, Donald Trump's foreign policy is just simply more peaceful than Obama's foreign policy. The issues which created the Defcon 3 situations was because the Obama administration deep state had been busy with the task of warmongering in collusion with globalists on Russia's borders for years. The globalists goals has always been about money.

The globalists wish to extract resources and exploit labor for as little money as possible. Installing a central bank owned by them is a way to ensnare people and their respective countries with debt.  Countries that did not want to have a central bank owned by the globalists were targeted and branded as enemies. Their leaders were demonized in the American, globalist owned main stream media press. Regime change was deemed necessary in these countries and Obama (2017, Klimas, J.) authorized war without the approval of Congress on more than one occasion by executive order.


Klimas, J. (n.d.). Obama launches 2,800 strikes on Iraq, Syria without congressional approval. Retrieved January 17, 2017, from

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